Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Diet Plans: Fad or Famine


As a country that is nearly 70% overweight collectively, the pressure is on to drop the pounds and live a healthier lifestyle. Unfortunately, Americans are conditioned to believe that the latest fad diet, colon-cleanse, or juice fast is the answer to all of their woes. The truth is that while most dieters do lose at least 5 to 10% of their starting weight, about two thirds gain every pound back within a year with most of the remaining third putting the pounds back on in four to six years.

Diets are like a very small bandage covering a festering wound without triple antibiotic. Dieting might seem like its working at first and trick our minds into thinking we are becoming healthier, but all we are really doing by always partaking in the latest weight loss craze is negating the true way to conquer obesity and other unhealthy habits; making a real and lasting lifestyle change in mind, body, and spirit.

Unfortunately, in a world where technology has taught us that it is better to seek instant gratification rather than communicate our problems to find viable solutions, it is harder than ever to see the fallacy in weight loss plans with the single aim of helpig you lose temporary pounds in an unhealthy way, simply because results can be seen in days rather than over the course of a lifetime.


Living a healthy lifestyle which includes achieving a healthy weight and diet is a personal decision. It’s easy to state that it’s a no brainer in a succinct fashion like this, but there is a lot more to it. Read on…

First, being trim and fit is a personal narrative, a story that that we tell ourselves in which we are the star. A story in which ‘we win’! It’s a story that has us eating the right foods and hanging out with the right people. Who are the right people? Others who are fit and healthy! Other people who are aligned with us! In order to achieve fitness and health goals over time, you need to spend time with coaches and trainers and other students of the subject who are aligned with your goals and objectives. As a runner and triathlete, I can tell you how important that piece of the puzzle is. I’m always engaged in my own fitness and health narrative with my triathlon coach, running coach and swimming coaches along with my fellow fitness aficionados. I’m immersed in a personal narrative along with these other people and we share details of our own stories with each other when we work out and practice together. Goals and objectives are common knowledge among the members of the group. Be clear that there is a personal story that is the cause, in most people, of your being out of shape and eating the wrong foods. So the first steps in becoming fit and healthy are to make the personal declaration to do so and to begin rewriting your personal narrative.

I promise to share later on about what I've found to be the best approach for an actual workout program design, but before we get to that, write a story in which you are the star, in which you achieve the exact weight and fitness level you want. Make it as detailed as possible. In fact, the more detail the better.

My brief story… at the age of 55 I was out of shape and weighed 180 lbs. Since following my own advice, I've been on Team USA Triathlon three times and in 2011 finished in 6th place in the World Triathlon Championships in Beijing China (age group) and was the first American across the finish line.

Today, my weight is 150 and at the age of 62, I am planning on running a 6:00 minute mile. I will share more details about how I was able to get into the best shape of my life at this advanced age. But I am 100% certain that the first step is to write a powerful personal story.

All results in life are directly tied to the way we communicate with ourselves and others in our network.

Start writing!!!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Meeting Sales Quotas in a Changing Society


Today, salespeople face greater challenges in the field than ever before. In fact, according to a study carried out by the Bridge Group in 2013, less than 50% of salespeople on average were able to meet their intended quotas. Moreover, the revenue targets for businesses on average were shown to be marked more than 16% higher than the previous year. Perhaps even more disheartening was that of all the businesses surveyed, the average projected growth rates for 2014 were marked at over 10%, despite the fact that not only had less than half of the sales force met their quotas, but that these figures were actually flat from the previous four years as well.

There can be no doubt that despite their skills, salespeople are struggling to adapt in our changing society and are becoming disheartened and disengaged as a result. Since the onset of email, mobile technology, texting, and social media, it is harder to find a concrete approach to engage and entice potential customers. On top of this, they face pressure from their families, their management team, potential customers, and themselves. Going into 2014 with emptier pockets, many are left wondering whether they should change careers.


Molloy BDG has analyzed more than 60,000 business sales conversations with the following findings. Most sales people are skilled at talking about ‘the data’…and… ‘the technology’. At the same time, our findings show that more than 95% are not skilled at effective communication, ‘building trust and generating action’, the cornerstones of producing commerce. Enrolling your staff in Molloy’s Language Of Commitment™ program is the solution.

According to Dan Molloy, Founder, “We are the only company I know of who has taken the time to listen to and analyze this many business sales conversations. Our findings are both discouraging and at the same time, open up the door to enormous growth. If your company has been successful to date, imagine how much further you could increase sales by contacting Molloy BDG today and allowing us to help you implement clear and measurable standards for Effective Communication company wide. We are helping companies all over the country reach new levels of performance by adopting the Language Of Commitment as an operational philosophy. It’s effective and simple.

Challenges and Opportunities

Challenges and Opportunities
We can’t always anticipate or control what life has in store for us, but we do have control over how we interpret and then react to what life throws our way.

If you’re alive and in business you experience breakdowns on a regular basis. In fact, that’s why companies are invented and why you have a job. Simply put, we exist to solve problems for other people including our families. The question that affects the quality of your life is this, “Do you view the challenges as a burden or as an opportunity?”

How you answer that question will have a direct impact on the quality of your life, your mood, your health, your relationships and vitality.

Watch this short video of Mel Auston speaking about Sidney Rittenberg and you’ll get a clear picture of what I’m talking about.   Life Is A Burden Or An Opportunity - 3:54
When life gives you lemons…make lemonade right? Yes… it’s a simple concept, but not always easy to do.
Sometimes, it is not easy to recognize the opportunity that lies hidden within each challenge we face. Sometimes, it takes a helping hand of a mentor or coach to guide us. Someone who’s been there before and is committed to our success. But regardless of what happens, it is our ability to make useful assessments and then communicate with others as we turn breakdowns into opportunities, that determines our success and fulfillment in life.  

That’s right! Communication is at the heart of it all!
Making grounded assessments about life and effectively communicating with others is the key and in these blog posts we will attempt to illustrate that point. We will examine breakdowns in society and business and then apply the Language Of Commitment filter as we attempt to show how the challenges are for the most part directly tied to our ability to communicate effectively.

At the end of the day, our commitment is to you, our readers, and to the students in our Language Of Commitment program. Our intent is that you are better equipped to move effectively in the world and design the future that you want.

We can help you with that!

Dan Molloy