Monday, February 17, 2014

Bad Leadership Can Spread Like A Virus

There are businesses all across the globe of different shapes and sizes performing vastly different tasks and speeding toward different goals every day. Ask just about any group of employees or credible authority in any industry what the nucleus of success is and they will likely give you the same answer; quality leadership. In a world where the need for good leadership is a business constant, we are often left scratching our heads wondering why there are so many bad leaders controlling small businesses, large corporations, and portions of our own government.
Perhaps more catastrophic than the immediate effects of bad executive leadership is the trickle effect that spreads through middle management all the way down to the lowest employees on the totem pole. Essentially, organizational leaders set the tone for the company culture (for better or worse), and when these leaders do not listen to their employees, actively communicate, facilitate teamwork, and lead by deed and example, everyone else working for the company loses their morale, becomes disengaged with their work, and fails to come together in order to meet common goals. This in turn leads to lost sales opportunities and previous or potential customers who instead choose the competition.


Set clear standards for what effective leadership is and ‘live the dream’ from top to bottom inside the organization. Provide coaching where needed.

Everything that happens and is happening in any organization is a result of either the conscious creation or the tacit endorsement of those activities and/or behaviors by the company’s leadership.  Is the present and future of your organization happening by default or by design?
While a small number of people are “born” charismatic and empowering, leadership skills – commitment, clarity, passion and vision - are linguistic competencies that are learnable!  

Here’s what effective leaders need to know how to do;

  • Provide direction and vision for their organization and strategies to accomplish it;
  • Ability to create a context or a narrative about the present and future that enrolls, motivates and inspires the hearts and minds of employees;
  • Make requests, promises and offers that promote clarity, alignment, coordination, partnership and collaboration;
  • Track and follow up on the network of commitments that is the heart of any business;
  • Give and receive feedback to/from employees as to organizational and personnel breakdowns, successes, innovations and opportunities to foster learning and continuous improvement;
  • Create a working environment that promotes positive mood and morale

For an organization to move towards its vision with the alignment of its employees, the leaders of that organization need to be competent in the Language of Commitment and all the moves that are the ongoing source of effectiveness and extraordinary results in business, and in life.  

Effective Training will produce Measurable Results

  • Results are designed to show up within the organization in the following ways;
    • Interoffice requests for service and support will become more clear
    • Follow-up on requests and promises will become more regular – will become standard operating procedure
    • ASAP will no longer be an acceptable answer for when something will be done.
    • Managers will speak more clearly about their goals and objectives.
    • Managers will be able to declare a future for themselves and their teams.
    • Managers will be trained to schedule and facilitate weekly store meetings in an efficient, effective and empowering manner.
    • Sustainability for existing agreed upon projects will show up as more consistent results.

Our claim is that Leadership Skills are linguistic and can be taught and learned.

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